Learn the Tools to Heal: Grace to Live Coaching

Valerie Riese
3 min readSep 22, 2020


Learn the Tools to Heal: Grace to Live Coaching

We know life is hard, and being a Christian doesn’t change that. We all struggle and we all get stuck.

Jesus taught us to support each other because He knew we’d need help. And so today I write to you with a very special announcement.

Stephanie Carter, my very dear friend and fellow Candid Gal, launched her Grace to Live Coaching program in December. It’s a 15-week live course based on her Grace to Live workbook.

I am so excited to tell you about it because I was her first online client in 2018. In August 2018, my relationships at home were tense, and I was dealing with undiagnosed cognitive issues. I struggled with anxiety, health issues, resentment, bitterness, anger, depression, and self-loathing, just to name a few. To be perfectly honest, I was a wreck.

Leaning on Jesus kept my head above water, but I was stuck. I knew He was the answer, but I didn’t know how to move past my mess.

Then came Stephanie.

I was so moved by her brief testimony “Letting Go of Unforgiveness” in Heather Hart’s anthology “ Candid Conversations “, that I reached out to Stephanie to thank her. She wanted to help me, but the drive from Wisconsin to her office in Georgia was a bit much. Stephanie refused to let me go, and I was desperate, so she offered to try her course online.

Technical logistics, rough draft typos, and 1000 miles were no match for Stephanie’s passion for the hearts of women and her Holy Spirit anointing.

Guided by Scripture and prayer, Stephanie gave me the tools to forgive and let go. She helped me find the purpose for which God created me. And I’ve learned to love myself because I know in my heart that God loves me, no matter what others may do to me.

As I healed, so did my home. My marriage has never been stronger and my daughter and I are closer than ever. Stephanie and Jesus put me in a position to tackle cancer in January 2019.

As I write to you now, it’s hard to imagine what my life was like just 18 months ago. My friends, life is still hard, but now I have the tools to cope and overcome by leaning on Jesus, thanks to Stephanie and Grace to Live Coaching.

Whether you are hurt by illness, anxiety, depression, betrayal, bitterness, self-loathing — no matter what your hurt is — Stephanie will equip you to the woman God created to be and to live the life Jesus died to give you.

I was not asked to write this post. I am not an affiliate and I get nothing if you use the links here. I promote Grace to Live because I believe in it.



Valerie Riese

Co-director of Candidly Christian. After suffering years of debilitating anxiety, I learned that victory over anxiety comes only through surrender to Jesus.